Healthy Soft Gingerbread Cookies
- 1/2 cup butter
- 1/4 cup coconut oil
- 1/2 cup honey
- 3/8 cup molasses
- 1 egg, preferably free-range
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 4 1/2 cup wheat or spelt flour (remember, sprouted flour is best) but don’t stress if you don’t have any. They’ll still be delish.
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp ground cloves
- 1/2 tsp ground ginger
- Cream butter, oil, honey & molasses in mixer. Add egg and vanilla. Mix well. Combine flour, salt, baking soda, and spices in separate bowl. Add dry mixture to wet slowly until well mixed. Drop by spoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet.
- Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes. Let cool 5 minutes, then store in airtight container.
I am so glad I read the comments first! I actually halved the recipe, so I only used 1 cup of flour total (plus about 1 TBSP). I cut everything else in half, but just used 1 whole egg (wasn’t sure how to half an egg…haha!) and they turned out delicious. I also used a GF flour (Namaste brand) and it worked great. It made 22 cookies.
So, if you are going to HALF the recipe, use one cup of flour, one egg, and half of everything else listed above 🙂 I will definitely make these again!
No way this can take 4 1/2 cups of flour. I added more eggs and molasses. Wish I had read the comments before I attempted this 🙁 also ended up thinning out some honey with warm water and adding that until the consistency looked better. Don’t know how they’ll taste yet.
These cookies have a nice consistency however; they taste like honey and molasses not gingerbread if you are looking for true gingerbread cookies look elsewhere!
So glad I read the comments first. Only used 2 cups of wheat flour and followed everything else to a T. Turned out delicious!!! Not too sweet which was perfect. Felt less guilty making and giving them to my toddler (but of course sugar is sugar). Makes about 47 cookies.
Way too dry. Wish I would have read the comments first, as 2 cups probably would have been enough. I ended up making them into cut-outs and baking for 6-7 minutes. I also substituted agave for the honey.
Hardly healthy if one batch contains 3/4 cup fat and 7/8 cup sugars. Especially if you eat a whole batch in one day. It’s better for you than store bought, as it doesn’t contain additives or artificial stuff, but I wouldn’t call it health food.
Only an idiot would call cookies health food. What she is trying to say is that these cookies are a healthier option to other recipes of gingerbread cookies and that it definitely is.
Ha, I laughed out loud at this comment. 🙂 “Then I had to eat more of the second batch to make it look believable. “
Haha! True story!
This recipe didn’t work for me either. It probably requires less flour. ADMIT IT! LESS FLOUR…maybe 2.5 cups for better consistency.
I used a generous 2 cups of flour and they turned out really great – the consistency was almost the same as on the pictures (a little thicker, but then I left out the molasses and my honey is quite sugary, too). I would go with 2-2.5 cups of flour at most.
Nope, doesn’t work for me either. I was so looking forward to making these, but as many mentioned above, the dough looks nothing like yours I only added about 2l.5 cups of flour and it’s already pretty dry.
*2.5 cups
Love the fact that there is a healthier cookie option for the holidays! Pinned.
My consistency looks nothing like yours, either. It’s almost spongy…
They ended up tasting pretty good – a little dry and not nearly as pretty as yours!
Bummer! I wonder what went wrong :/
Have you tried making these with blackstrap? All I have is blackstrap and I don’t know if I should try it 1 for 1 or do something like half blackstrap half raw honey..
Yes, I do use blackstrap molasses.
Ginger cookies are my favorite!
mine also came out dry. i am going to try to reduce the flour…
I’m making this now, but my consistency looks nothing like yours. Is 4 1/2 cups flour right?