It’s time to git yer butt in gear…
And finally, FINALLY start that blog you’ve always wanted to start!
Today I’m stoked to share with you all of my bloggy goodness knowledge to help you on your way.
This here blog has CHANGED OUR LIVES! We have had so many opportunities open to us and we’ve been able to make such a difference in so many people’s lives. We’ve been able to support our family and if you can believe it, we almost have our house paid off! (I still can’t believe I just said those words!) A post is coming soon on how we did that;)
If that’s not the stuff of dreams, I don’t know what is, man!
In this “Introduction to {successful} Blogging!” video, you’ll learn…
- How to start your website – Learn the tricks to getting your site up and running in under 10 minutes!
- Make it work for you – Learn how to grow traffic and monetizing your site!
- Perfect your brand – Learn how to create a brand that people are interested in and never run out of ideas for blog posts!
Also, below the video, you’ll find a FREE Blogger Blueprint from me! Check it out!
I deeply appreciate your webinar on starting a blog. This webinar gave me the idea and courage to start my own blog about the life-changing experiences I have had with doTERRA essential oils 🙂 I am super excited about this venture and have my site up and running! As a single mom of 4 kids, I so appreciate this free gift you gave me!!! Thank You!
I really enjoyed your Webinar, and thought it was by far the most informative one, regarding this particular subject. I even requested your blueprint, which I received right away. I’m curious though, as to which hosting do you do on Bluehost. They offer shared, cloud, VPS, and dedicated hosting. Do all of them help you make money? Or are there only certain ones that are designed for this type of venture specifically.
Hi Dawn-
The hosting doesn’t have anything to do with the ability to earn income, but the dedicated hosting is the one to go with because it is faster. I hope that helps.
Thank you -Bobbi (DaNelle’s Assistant)
I blogged religiously for about 2 years from 2011-2013 inforwardmotion.com then had to go back to work, I guess you could say I went backwards! (pun intended). I recently found myself craving and missing my old blog so Hostgator found it by digging in and really, really looking for it for me to resurrect! Best customer service ever! So I am now organizing to continue InForwardMotion- one step forward two steps back- one more big Leap!
I now am also starting a new business venture and will be bloggin’ that as a start up…so it sounds like our journeys are similar, but you’ve done a better job sticking to yours! But I definitely feel connected!
BTW, I actually found your blog because of my new business- my product uses Sheep’s Milk & your comparative to cow’s milk is great- spot on!! Thank you! Julie
Very cool – easy to understand, time flew by!
Thanks for this great webinar! You have been an inspiration. I’ve watched many of your videos on goat kidding & milking, which got me through my first kidding. I just watched this webinar while waiting in freezing temps for my goat to kid. Maybe this will be the step to starting my own blog.
Thank you DaNelle this was such a useful post. I started my blog recently, after many years just living in my mind, and this was great information!
Hey ! Love your website – one of my goto’s! I absolutely needed this post on blogging being a sometimes blogspot blogger I am ready to take my bloggin’ skills to a new level. I just really really want your blueprint and have signed up 3 times now and still nothing in my email inbox. Sniff 🙁 Please help !
DaNelle here! I fixed the error you’re talking about, and I’ll send it out to you now (even people who subscribed in the past). Sorry about the mistakes!
I GOT IT ! YIPPIE ! Thanks
Hey ! Have watched your entire webinar and learned a ton. I am totally ready to take on this website/blogging thing – have only done blogspot up to now and want to take my blog in a new direction. I have TWICE subscribed for my blueprint but haven’t received anything yet. Perhaps I’m just being impatient. Please please send me the blueprint! THANK YOU! Love your blog ( 1 of 3 I refer to for most of my how to’s and info) and your story!
Loyal Follower here! This is my very first post on Weed em & Reap and I just have to tell you that I am INSPIRED! I have been thinking of trying my hand and this blogging thang, and this is just the post I needed to get my butt in gear. You gave great information that I can follow. Biggest take out of it, I just need to be myself and not worry about haters. I have to say that is the biggest thing that is holding me back. I am dreaming BIG and you WILL see me on the webs. Thank you!